Controlling The Chaos: How To Overcome Indirect Channel Pitfalls And Win

Man in overcrowded technology product stall in market.

Indirect. Third-party. Dealer. Massive. Non-exclusive. While this type of channel is known by many different names, the challenges and opportunities it presents for telcos are the same.

Whether you’re a Nigerian telco who sells SIMs and top-ups via street corner re-sellers, or a North American quad play provider who uses door-to-door agents to advertise bundled deals, your pain points are similar. These highly manual sales can be a proverbial “black hole”, with little visibility and control over channel activities.

By investing in the right digital solution, telcos can take control of their indirect channel and achieve the same level of efficiency, visibility, and control that they are accustomed to in their retail channels.

In this whitepaper, we will explore:

  • The seven types of indirect sales, with real-life examples from around the world.
  • Common pain points in indirect sales and how to overcome them.
  • How a dedicated solution can help telcos drive the best results from this channel.

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